Portfolio / Graphic Design

Industries Apparel

Ask the question, would I wear that?
A design that evokes creativity and personality.
A quality product that lasts and remains current.

Consumers want quality over quantity, they want quirk instead of mainstream prints, and here at Industries Apparel I have created timeless pieces that inspire and evoke creativity and personality. The designs are printed in the U.S at registered outlets, and comes with a complete seal guarantee of product quality. Further noted, I myself own a number of Tee’s and will personally rate the quality and comfortability of the product.

To find more Industries apparel, and to explore the style that best suites you,
Follow Berry_Industries_apparel on Instagram, Contact me via this site or follow the link to my online store in which you can directly purchase your next piece of apparel.

Industries Apparel Range
For all comsumers

Amongst all the designs at Industries Apparel there is always a style or flavour for you! Whether its to pay homage to the great architects and their built icons, or simply inspired optical illusions and graphic art. Within the many categories I have also included a range of Winter apparel catering for all seasons of your year.

The range included in the imagery here are included in my best sellers. The iconic and traditional ‘Architect’ logo, the historic ‘LeCorbusier’ profile, and the ‘industrial Globe’. These are fantastic designs for all ages, and one that last the test of time.

To see more designs, or additional Industry imagery, follow my Instagram profile Berry_Industries_Apparel or follow the link above to my online store where you can buy direct.

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